So, my final semester has just started and the very first assignment I had was from General Studies which is a compulsory subject for private college students (
Yay assignments!)
Basically, this assignment was about time & stress management. We were asked to draw out a time-table to show how we manage our time. Funny isn't it? I mean,
college students and time tables in the 21st century, really?
But anyways, I still did it.
As I finished my work, I paused for a moment and stared at the time table.
24 hours in a day,
1440 minutes in a day,
7 days a week,
10080 minutes in a week.
a lot of time, guys.
A lot of time.
Juggling work life with studies hasn't exactly been the easiest thing but I know that it's worth it. I will not deny the fact that getting out of bed hasn't been very easy, even with the help from my beloved alarm clock ringing every 5-10 minutes. As I look at my time table, I think to myself "
Am I making every second of the day count?"
When I'm going through Facebook, could I have been doing something more beneficial?
Maybe I could have been spending time with my nephews and invest life into these boys.
Maybe I could have been reading books or articles which can help me to pursue my passion in life.
When I want to spend time alone & relax, could I have been a better friend to someone else?
Maybe I could have spent more time just to be there and support someone at his/her lowest point in life.
When I'm enjoying my favourite meals, could I have used this money for something better?
Could I have done something better than this?
You may ask, "How does 2 hours of Facebook even kill someone?"
Well, 2 hour a day doesn't. But what about 56 hours a month? 672 hours a year?
There's nothing wrong in rewarding yourself and doing things that you love, but what does life even mean if our time is revolved only around ourselves?
It's really easy to fall back into our zone where it's all about our needs, our wants, our desires, our hopes, and our demands.
But I think that sometimes, just investing a little time for others will help you to understand life better.
It helps you to appreciate the every second in life that you have on Earth.
I want to make sure that I make every second of the day count, even if it means making some mistakes along the way.
I will try.
I want to make it count.