Family and couple sessions (especially families) are my favourites. Why? Well, at the end of every session, I aim to capture things which makes the family, a family. Each family is unique on its own and I'm glad that I got to spend one of the weekend mornings with this family. The Khoo family consists of 5 but you will find that there are few additional faces as some are potentially added into the family soon while one has already been. Not to forget that the added member & the eldest daughter of this family, Kah Wei & Rachel are parents of the adorable little girl, Sha Lynn :)
There is no doubt that this particular photoshoot is one that is physically & mentally challenging. The amount of late night editing and refining is crazy (mom would agree with me on this!). Nonetheless, it was a lovely session with these guys because they were not only supportive with the ideas suggested but they also had fun in front and behind the camera, and I love that.
Thank you for allowing me to capture some of these moments with all of you. I hope these photos become a piece in your journey as a family unit which you can look back on with smiles :)

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