Friday, September 18, 2015

Opportunity Cost

Some of us have heard about it, some have learned about it but for those who have not, here's the definition of what opportunity cost is :-

"The cost of an alternative that must be forgone in order to pursue a certain action. Put another way, the benefits you could have received by taking an alternative action"

For example, you are given RM 100 and you decide to purchase that sports outfit you've been eyeing on to motivate yourself to get to the gym, but you could have also spent that money on your favourite food instead. That, is your opportunity cost. (Of course, if our currency wasn't as weak, you could have purchased more items with that same amount of money but oh wells)

Many people have their own definition of what happiness means to them. For some, happiness is travelling around the world, happiness can also be shopping all day errday to some people. To me, happiness is understanding that life is an opportunity cost. To win something, you gotta be ready to lose something else. 

Let's be honest, we all want something we don't have :) It's a natural tendency, we are always looking for something which we do not have or own. But, things start to change when we realize that what we wanted isn't quite exactly of what we expected it to be. 

Back when I was 5 years old, I always wanted to have a pair of shoes with wheels on them. 

If you had a pair of these shoes, you were THE cool kid.  I mean, this shoe had lights in them! I thought that if I could ever own these shoes, I would be a happy girl. But things began to change as I realise that these shoes weren't the lightest shoes to wear around, the lights start to get a little annoying, and once the lights don't work anymore, these shoes aren't really all that special. I was horrible in skating and would fall every time I attempted to do so.

What I soon realise was that these shoes, didn't make me as happy as I thought they would and that I am not a cool kid after all.

A lot of times, what we make out of peoples' life isn't quite like it. When we look at the success of others, the big cars they're driving or the branded shoes they wear,  we become envious and wish that we could have that portion of "happiness" in their lives. What we don't see are the long nights they stayed up to work, the calls they had to answer even after their working hours, and the blood and sweat they put into their work. Yes, some people are just fortunate enough to be born with a silver spoon but hey, not everyone has that. 

Happiness isn't something to be found, it's something you make out of. 

At the end of the day, the question goes back to how much do you really want it? Are you willing to take up the not-so-pretty parts of the package in order to win the whole package of it? Because many times, what we really want is only the pretty & nice parts of the package. We dream to have the beach body without working out and eating healthy everyday, we want to be in a relationship without going through the tough times, we want to have a string of As in our certificate without working hard for it. 

And if you want it, I'd say, go all out for it and make the best out of it. I mean hey, since you have prepared yourself for this, why not give your best shot? Don't look back because looking back with regrets won't help to push you further in this new chapter, unless you're looking back for reflective/correction purposes of course. Yes, we all have our ups and downs in life. If you find yourself in that "down" moment in your life right now, that's okay. You're not alone in this, so pick yourself up and keep moving :)

And while you're out there to make the best out of this choice you have made, focus on what needs to be done instead of comparing it with others :) Each of us have our own successes and struggles, and they are all unique in their own ways. Focus on writing your own success story.

I don't believe in getting the best of both worlds. I believe that in order to win something, you gotta be ready to lose something else in life and at the end of the day, it is you, and you alone who will decide if it is worth it.

Till next time :)