One of the things which I really like about photography done in the western countries is the exposure to photoshoots at home also known as At Home Session, whereby the photographer shoots the daily life of the family as they go about their daily routine. This breaks away from the usual tradition of "smiling and posing for the camera intentionally".
Of course, things sometimes do sound nicer as it seems and I can say this as a photographer myself as well - sometimes, there is part of me inside that is itching to get rid of that soft toy in the background while shooting or wiping the table again cause of the finger prints but then again, what is the purpose of photographing At Home Sessions after all hey? Hence I truly do admire photographers who capture beautiful and meaningful shots despite the kids running around shirtless at home, with the laundry pilling up like a mountain - hats off to these photographers AND clients who not only trust their photographers but also know how to enjoy themselves :)
While the previous At Home Session was with the Chin Family right before welcoming Baby Ted (who is now 14 months old!), I'm so glad that I got to do another At Home Session with this precious family who recently just welcomed their precious lil baby boy into the family. Hence, as promised, here is another update on the blog - it's the At Home Session featuring the Lam Family.

Ezra Lam, you are too cute!
Congratulations again, Joseph and Joyce Lam :)
You both are doing a wonderful job as parents and I know for sure that Ezra is so very blessed and loved!