Friday, July 3, 2015

Yin & Yang.

I'm often asked by people on what I do during my free time ever since I completed my diploma. Truthfully, I actually don't really recall the exact things which I fill my spare time with. Mainly because I have different things to do everyday, but there are definitely a few important ones which I need to check off in my "to-do-list", no matter what. Things such as helping mom to clean up the house (I'm a professional vacuumist, mind you), watching photography tutorial videos, and reading (You're amazing, Jodi Picoult!!). I'm definitely glad that I had a few months to breathe a little more since the end of my diploma. Catching up with friends, learning how to cut & clean raw chickens (who knew that raw chickens kinda stink), and just watching these two boys grow up in front of my eyes. 

There's no doubt that they have added so much colours into my life. For some of you who don't know who I'm talking about, I'm talking about Nathan & Evan Ch'ng, my two precious nephews. These two are definitely a duo, I mean they are just two different personalities! Nate's the Ying and Evan is the Yang. (I should call them Nating and Eyang). But that's the beauty of love, taking two different sides and making something beautiful out of it. Do I think that Nate and Evan make a great team together? Definitely :)

I love how Nate will keep some food he got from school for Evan to eat, how they can have fun together even if it only means running back and forth in the living room, how Evan shouts "Koko!!" with anticipation and gives Nathan a warm hug when he comes back from school, and how their heights look so cute together whenever they hug each other. 

Knowing that I will not be able to spend as much time as I did before with these boys, it kinda stinks. I will not be able to shower these boys every afternoon anymore, no more playground moments, no more walking back home from school with Nate, no more patience test when Nate needs help in his homework, and Evan occasionally singing bits and pieces of "Roar" by Katy Perry.  After the "sudden" realisation that I'll be missing out on these moments soon, I begin to appreciate the little moments I have left with them. I guess that's why we never really know what we have till it's taken away from us eh.

I begin to appreciate the evenings where I can bring them to the playground before they think it's "not cool" anymore, I begin to appreciate moments where Nate asks for my help with his homework before he is independent and smart to handle it on his own, I begin to appreciate the silent mornings where Evan just sits and looks through his "1000 words" book, and I begin to appreciate the moments where Evan still says "Heli-top-tah" (helicopter) and calls a camel, a horse. 

So here's to the beautiful moments shared with the duo and to the many more exciting years ahead for the both of you, Nate & Evan :) Ee Ee may not be there as often as before but I know that you both are in for something greater and bigger that Jesus has installed for your life. I love you both so very much. 

DISCLAIMER // Few tears may have been shed during this particular update of the blog. 


  1. It's so nice coming across blogs with quality like yours. Lovely photos! :)

  2. Thank you for that word of encouragement, Yi Lin!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
