Friday, December 13, 2013

values & principles.

So Nathan lost his Iron Man toy which he got from Tesco, where you collect chops and get a free toy.

He forgot where he misplaced it but I heard him telling to my mom  "maybe it dropped out from my pocket when I went to the playground".

He went to the rooms, searched through the sofa, looked around.

So I decided to bring him to the playground to find for his toy.

We reached the place and there was a group of young boys playing ball.

Kicking the ball as high as they can, kicking it against the wall so that it can bounce back and running around to snatch the ball from each other.

It wasn't football, I don't know what it was anyways. Probably kickball.

So nathan got distracted, obviously.

After searching for his toy (which we didn't find in the end), he joined them.

He looked at them and gave a friendly hi while waving his hand at them but no one bothered.

These boys were speaking in Mandarin, a language which Nathan hasn't learned (yet).

He started going all like "wow! go go go! run for the ball! oooohhhhh!!!"

And the boys were just looking at him like - whut. *crickets singing.

I decided to just stand at the side and watch them play.

He was there for about 10-15 minutes, and for the whole time, Nathan was running just to get the ball which he didn't.

One of the boys had the ball and nathan was standing right in front of him, but he kicked it to his other friend.

Out of the 10-15 minutes of running, Nate only had one chance to kick the ball.

One of the boys kicked the ball against the wall and it bounced back to Nate.

After that, this boy said in mandarin, "haha, this boy like monkey hor. run here, run there. never get the ball"

Immediately after that, I told nate that we had to go back for dinner.

Nate got a lil upset, like how kids always are when they have to say goodbye to the playground or to their friends.

"Why they so bad one, don't want to let me play"

For that moment, I could feel every word of that sentence cause I know how that feels while growing up too.

But that's not the point, hahaha. (you're probably thinking then why did I just read all of that.....)

It was something the boy said which made me think.

"This boy like monkey. run here, run there. never get the ball"

This boy is probably like 6-7 years old.

Was I a lil angry that he said to my nephew? Yup.

Was I angry at the boy for saying it? Nope.

He's only 6-7 years old, he probably didn't even understand what that really meant.

What if it was something he picked up from his parents? While sitting quietly in the car, absorbing these words?

Don't get me wrong, people. I am not blaming parents. Haha no no.

What I am trying to say is that what parents say, your values and principles  really can affect how your child thinks.

If you think that sharing your possessions with others is bad, there is a high chance your child will not want to share his toys with his friends.

If cursing is a habit that you do not get rid of, chances are that your kids will learn some of the things you say too.

I am not a mom but I strongly believe that the values and principles parents have really can affect how the child will grow up as an adult.

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