Sunday, January 19, 2014


The world loves extroverts.

They're the ones who kick start the party, the ones that people will usually go to, they are the ones that can make people laugh without even trying hard.

Unfortunately, this isn't always the case for introverts.

Introverts are often labelled as the boring ones, the ones that only know how to play safe.

And in this era which we are living in, where taking risks is always cool cause it shows how brave and daring you are, the spotlight is often robbed from the introverts.

Because the world loves extroverts, introverts often feel pressured to be like them. To talk like them, to socialize like them, to be "loud" like them.

Because being quiet is being boring, because playing safe makes you a chicken, because being alone in the corner shows that you're incapable of making friends.

Oh how we often forget to see the other side of introverts which is beautiful.

How their imagination takes a roller coaster ride, how calm their mind is even in a chaotic place.

 If we would stop every action to shape them into someone that they are not, then we would realize how special they are. Even in midst of silence.

Just because theyre quiet does not mean that they are boring :) and if they want to be a in corner, allow them some time to do that.

Because when they have their time alone, its a way for them to recharge themselves as their mind begins to unwind and relax.

If you're an introvert, don't be ashamed of that :) You are made special.

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